Monday, March 2, 2009

continental air transit blues

I now know why it's called the "red-eye." The issue isn't that it's 11am in California, lord knows I should be awake by then. It's that I've been up since 3:30amPT and it's now 2pmET. I've effectively been awake for nearly 11hrs by now. And I couldn't recline my seat due to a combination of crowded airplane + tray table + fat person sleeping behind me. And we sat on the tarmac at SFO during which time they did some maintenance on the brakes and unloaded 21 passengers because the plane was 3 tons overweight.

I gather this sort of thing is a regular occurrence.

I'm also upset that it's a full 40 degrees colder here.


Trish Coates said...

3 tons/21 passengers=285 lbs. per passenger. Some big bodies on that wide body. Guess a skinny little thing like you wouldn't have helped to lighten the load. Normally that maneuver is reserved for the under 20-seaters, though. I've never heard of it on a jet. Hope you had a good time in SF. I was jealous the whole time you were there.

Jeff Coates said...

It is interesting to note that 140 years ago (May 10, 1869) the Transcontinental railway was completed in the US. This reduced coast to coast travel time from about 6 months to just 1 week. I am certain your ancestors would not have much sympathy for your 11 hour journey.

Brendan Coates said...

Jeff Coates said...

That video is right on point.

"Give it a second - it's going into space"

Very Funny!

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Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

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