Wednesday, March 18, 2009

this is an idea too

Big Ten career fair in Chicago April 3rd. The lack of demand for housing means that you can get a two bedroom apartment a few blocks from Lakeshore for $1200/ month. Which is unreal. Not as unreal (yet slightly more appealing) than this:

I mean, for a city with next to nothing... that's an opportunity right?


Trish Coates said...

$1200/month sounds reasonable but you need some kind of income to fund even that. What is the career fair about? I liked the story about the mythical $100 house. Bet prices are already soaring to $2000 for these wrecks. And don't forget about the neighbors. It only takes one crack addict to ruin your day.

Anonymous said...

A city with nothing is an opportunity -- that's kind of how I am thinking about Buffalo. Is that wrong?

Brendan Coates said...

It's not wrong when you're only idea is a musical hardware store next door to your friend's grilled cheese/ drip coffee cafe. Surely these markets have been exploited in more prosperous cities.