Saturday, January 31, 2009

No Job For Sean

Remember how i mentioned my wanting to be an academic orientation mentor this spring? well it turns out that i wont be able to do that because they do not want me to come back and interview which was the second step of the process. nor will i be working Safari in the fall. im not rly mad about it, both things mean i will have a longer a summer which is fine by me. it also means i need to find a new way of making at least some money this summer. any ideas??

1 comment:

Jeff Coates said...

I'm sure these jobs are in demand and they probably have many more applicants than open spots.

Be sure to try again next year.

As you may have heard, there is a recession going on right now. Jobs are hard to find and keep right now.

You best bet may be to see if any companies that specialize in summer jobs are hiring. They ususally recruit on campus for jobs in Detroit area.