Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mom Wants an Update

Mom wants an update and what the mama wants, the mama gets. in direct response to mom's post my next concert is on the 26th at 8pm. in other news i had my first lacrosse game on thursday, we beat western 8-7. from an academic standpoint classes are going ok. im getting the hang of doing homework around my sleeping and lacrosse scheduals. and thats the way the cookie crumbes here in mount pleasant.


Brendan Coates said...

i got into a rhythm freshman year where i would sleep from 4-8. regardless of am or pm, that was sleep and naptime. so, i was getting 8hrs of sleep every day, just not consecutively.

Jeff Coates said...

Thanks for the update. That is the last home game of the season for the Ravens hockey team. I am working the clock for that game.

Mom and I will come to the next concert for sure.