Saturday, April 4, 2009


As some of you may know, i'm out east right now, in the lovely city of Boston, playing some east coast lacrosse. we've been out here since friday morning and there are some things about boston i want to share with u.

first are the accents. i've heard them in movies and read about them in stephen king books but i thought they were making fun of them and going over the top. they arent. listening to boston people talk may be the funniest thing i have ever heard.

next are the roads. they have somthing similar to a michigan left only they call it a jug handle cuz thats wat it looks like. also, this may just b do to the fact we have been travelling in a bus, the lanes are really narrow.

now on to the lacrosse. friday night we were supposed to play BC at 7 but there was lightning in the area and they only had lights on the field in till 1030 so they reschedualed it for sunday morning. we played Northeastern this morning and won 10-6. we play BC at 930 sunday morning and play BU at 1. sunday afternoon.

2 games and a 15 hour bus ride await me tomorrow. yay for lacrosse road trips.

and fyi, 15 hours on a bus is not very much fun


Jeff Coates said...

Hey Sean -

Thanks for the update.

I have used Jug Handles in New Jersey. They are kind of cool once you get used to them. They do keep traffic moving better than a traditional left turn.

Good luck staying awake on Monday in class.


Devon said...

how are 15 hour bus rides not fun? u dont know how to have fun my friend