Monday, April 27, 2009


Okay, the president has said do not panic, but I am a Mom first, and therefore have already beaten everyone else to panic mode. Regarding the swine flu, Brendan and Sean, you are most vulnerable right now. You are in high-risk areas (college areas where people have very likely just been to Mexico). Even if your friends have not been to Mexico it is likely they could come into contact with friends who DID go to Mexico. So, I want you to start washing your hands frequently during the day, not just after using the necessary. Also, go to your local drug store and buy some hand sanitizer TODAY and use that even more frequently. Get some for your friends. Keep your hands away from your face because that is the way the virus spreads. The next seven days are critical in preventing the spread of the disease. If you feel sick at all, especially with a fever and body aches, get thee to a doctor ASAP! Medications can help reduce the complications if the illness is caught early. Why am I being like this? Because the people who died in Mexico were the young and healthy, just like you. As Benjamin Franklin said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

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