Friday, February 13, 2009

bad joke

somebody called and asked if the store carried light bulbs. i told them that "yes, sometimes. i'll go check." they then asked, "low wattage, if you have them." and without really even realizing it i said, "there's nothing but low watt bulbs in this joint, let me tell you."

and there was this pause

and finally i said, "sorry, that was a terrible joke. we're out of lightbulbs too, um-" and they said, "um, what? that's fine, thanks."

not sure this brand of customer service would fly in corporate america.

sean, devon, please tell me you're still fighting the good fight because with jokes like that i'm on the fast track to turning into dad.


Devon said...

oh yes, brittany was talking about her order from panera..and it had about 5 different parts to it, for a single sandwich. kind of a " Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat," idea. and i siad, wow thats a mouthfull. i chuckled a little bit. and she laughed and said i made a funny. merci beaucoup, dad.

Trish Coates said...

What's wrong with being Dad? You say that like it is a bad thing.

Devon said...

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