Thursday, February 26, 2009


The big day for Brendan is fast approaching - only 9 weeks to go.

Who is going to attend the ceremony at Michigan Stadium? I have invited Grammy and Papa and I think they will be there. Mom and I will certainly be at the event.

Brendan - Do you want your brothers to be there? Any other guests that are important to you?

Brendan needs to pickup tickets the week before. The tickets dates are here:

The big day is May 2, 2009 and gates open at 8:00am.

There also is an event for the School of Music at Power Center on Friday, May 1. Brendan should get an invitation for this event and Mom and I would like to attend.

Lets make sure we are ready for this big day.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I worked so hard for the first 6 weeks of school that I feel like I actually deserve this break. We havn't planned a single thing. At all. Leave tomorrow at noon and I don't even know where we go after we get our bags. I was told a yacht was involved.

I don't even know what to pack. has been switching back between multiple days of rain and multiple days of sunshine.

By the end of this semester I'll have a 35 minute hd documentary, a self-designed interactive website archiving/ showing off my artistic endeavors (complete with general resume), and a degree. Not bad for 12 credits.

Keep March 13-14 open because I'm pretty sure Airport will be playing in a space that's not a filthy smoke filled basement and thus, more conducive to parents enjoyment.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sports Illustrated

Apparently my subscription to SI is now sending billing info to me. i dont have the money to pay for this nor do i remember saying to SI send billing stuff to me. and no i am over due 1 installment. i can still pay for the first and now the second i just dont know how im going to. i am more then willing to cancel the subscription if mom and dad are tired of paying for it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Girls next door move out ahh!

Apparently, i am the last person to know of this, however, Bridget and Kendra are breaking up with hef. Kendra and Bridget both have expanding careers and are moving out of the mansion. Bridget is invovled with director Nicholas Carpenter and plans on having an actual career. Holly, learned that hef...isnt all hes cracked up to be in his old age. He doesnt have enough lil hefs to have a baby with Holly, and that sent the relationship into a downward spiral!! There are rumors she left hef for Criss angel the midfreak guy, but hef and holly deny those are true...thank god. Shes the best lookin of the three. Now hes back in his ways with two 19 year old twins. I cant say i object to these girls, but...i like these three he had. I'm pretty broken up about it. I dont keep up on celeb gossip or wouldve known this since Bridget left in the fall, and Kendra is working on moving out asap. These two new girls better be kool.

If you care, he talks a little about it. :( bummer

Mom Wants an Update

Mom wants an update and what the mama wants, the mama gets. in direct response to mom's post my next concert is on the 26th at 8pm. in other news i had my first lacrosse game on thursday, we beat western 8-7. from an academic standpoint classes are going ok. im getting the hang of doing homework around my sleeping and lacrosse scheduals. and thats the way the cookie crumbes here in mount pleasant.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Updates, please

Brendan, did you get interviewed by the Michigan Daily? If so, when do you think it will be published?
Sean, when exactly is your concert? No promises, but I would like to attend, if at all possible.

Tonight is such a special Valentine's for us old folks. It is 8:30 p.m. We just watched Top Gun. We had pizza for dinner and now we are ready for bed. But don't go "Ugh." We will watch a DVR of Antiques Roadshow and Dad will fall asleep. And the weird part is we are both happy with how the day went.

Friday, February 13, 2009

bad joke

somebody called and asked if the store carried light bulbs. i told them that "yes, sometimes. i'll go check." they then asked, "low wattage, if you have them." and without really even realizing it i said, "there's nothing but low watt bulbs in this joint, let me tell you."

and there was this pause

and finally i said, "sorry, that was a terrible joke. we're out of lightbulbs too, um-" and they said, "um, what? that's fine, thanks."

not sure this brand of customer service would fly in corporate america.

sean, devon, please tell me you're still fighting the good fight because with jokes like that i'm on the fast track to turning into dad.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

5 Addresses

i need 5 addresses for a lacrosse fundraiser. its a mailer thats gonna ask for some donations. i was thinking grammy and papa, aunt kim, aunt lori, brendan, and maybe nancy. i need the addresses asap. thanks

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Passport Urban Legend

I had lunch with Nancy today at Olive Garden. It is now naptime but before I forget I wanted to pass on this idea. It may only be an urban legend or it may be true. Nancy says she knows somebody who heard that a friend went to Chicago and got their passport in an hour by going directly to the passport office downtown. Of course I don't have all the details (what office exactly? where?) But Brendan may want to track that down and try that route to speed things up.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

life is skittles

and life is beer.

srsly, its so nice out that i could see the line for zingermans from my front door. as a cashier you learn to love the weather because it affects everybody, and thus, everybody can talk about it. so, when it hits that magical time of customer interaction when the credit card machine is FOREVER to print a receipt and things are getting awkward as we wait, it's helpful to have something so proletariat/ working class/ everyman as the weather to talk about.

i'm apparently not the only customer service representative who feels this way; the girl behind the bread counter at zmans remarked that she was "totally over winter. been putting up with it for too long now, and i'm glad it's out of my life, even briefly." and i had to run with it, "you know, i actually miss winter. i know its only been gone 9hrs but really, is winter actually that bad?"

yes, yes it is. it gets really cold. it gets cold enough to persuade me not to do things/ go places. it gets so cold that i wear 4 gloves, which is twice as many gloves as i have hands. it gets so cold that the first room i visit in any building is the bathroom so i can blow my nose and not pester an unwitting public with sniffling.

i'm going to miss zingerman's a lot when i move. excluding the catholic church across the street, it's the closest business to my apartment.

Friday, February 6, 2009

TSA Screening at Indianapolis Airport

I had an interesting experience on my way home from Indianapolis on Thursday evening.

I am pretty good at getting through the security screening without excessive trouble. I removed my belt and shoes. Placed the laptop and portable projector in separate bins. Took the foil covered Lactaid and wallet with the metal clip out of my pockets.

I passed through the metal detector with no problem. However, I did not pass the Full Body Scan. Details of this process are at

The problem turned out to be the Chapstick in my pocket! Hard to imagine that is a threat to anyone.

The funny thing I realized later on was that I had forgot to remove the clear plastic bag with my shaving kit liquids from my suitcase. That went through the X-Ray scanner without an issue.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Speaker music

hey all, my speakers for my computer have been softly playing music lately. i dont have itunes up or any other programs that would play music. the music isnt noticable with other music goin, but i still dont know where this stuff is comin from. any idears?

Its an RO Weekend

This is a heads up to those that still live at home, in the RO. i will shall be returning home this friday because i know how much u all must miss me, mom's blogging about me she must miss me. idk when i will actually be back in the RO, i'll prolly spend most of the night with cassie somewhere but i will text u to let u no i made it home safely. see u friday and/or saturday

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Hey, does anybody remember the name of the dermatologist? Dr. Sharf was the one who retired, but who did we start going to after that??

Bad Mom

Well, Sean, you have complained that I did not attend many of your hockey games the last year you played. You probably blamed it on middle-child syndrome. If it is any comfort now, I do not attend many of Devon's games either. Tonight, for instance, he had a game at Lindell, Dad is in Indianapolis on business, I was too comfy at home to get dressed, I didn't feel like sitting by myself in the stands because I am too antisocial to mingle with the other parents, so I stayed home.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sock Theif

someone, io cant name names, but someone has stolen three pairs of my socks. why who knows, but three pairs of all white socks that are cut above the heel with and FJ on them are no longer in my possesion. Whoever has them in thier closet, it would be greatly appreciated if you could call me up and tell me so they can be returned to their rightful owner. I know they are super comfy and you wont wanna give them up, but thats why they are mine. gahh

Sunday, February 1, 2009


So, my numbers for the office's super bowl squares were 0 (Pitt) and 7 (Ariz). Great numbers, couldn't have rigged 'em better myself. At the end of the half I was in great shape...

and then THE LONGEST PLAY IN SUPER BOWL HISTORY happened. you know, this one:

and I yelled a few things that maybe some customers didn't want to hear and didn't win the $100 I so rightfully deserved. I guess that's why it's called gambling.

As the clock wound down on the third quarter and the cardinals peacefully let it expire, I had the last laugh: Pittsburgh 20 Arizona 7. $125 that will all be spent on materials for my thesis.